Shepherd's Bush Christmas Stocking Kit OLAF

From Shepherd's Bush, the 2024 Christmas Stocking is OLAF...

Named for the designer's Swedish brother in law

Your Shepherd's Bush Christmas Stocking Kit for Olaf includes:

  • Olaf Leaflet
  • Olaf Charm Pack
  • 1 x Bohin #20 Tapestry Needle
  • choice of fabric,  select either natural Linen or cotton Floba from the drop down box

DMC Perle 5 Cotton:

413 - Deep blue

646 - Medium grey

729 - Gold

3013 - Palest green

3021 - Almost black

Weeks Dye Works Perle 5:

Baked Apple



Havana (x 2) 

Lancaster Red

Light Khaki (x 2)

Lily Pad



Rum Raisin

Your kit does not include the backing fabric or the finishing of the embroidery into the stocking, but you are welcome to ask us about our professional finishing service. 

Feel free to contact us if you would like to make any changes to the kit. 


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