Frida Cushion Cross Stitch Chart

The Iconic and well-known face of Frida Kahlo is seen gazing at us in all forms, from mugs to home decor. You can add your own touch of splendid colour by stitching a counted cross-stitch cushion cover with DMC stranded threads.

Carolyn deisgned Frida as a large scale cross stitch on 18 count fabric - this means the holes in the linen are EASY to see. It won't take long to stitch this beautiful design from the flowers in Frida's hair to the graded shades of blue background which has rows of running stitch creating a fun and textural cushion for your home. 

As seen Australian Homespun Magazine: Jun/Jul 2021

** Please note that this product is a chart only. 
Linen and threads are sold separately, please let us know if you would like us to put a kit together for you. 

Exclusive to Stitch ♥️

Collections: Caroselle Cross Stitch

Type: Charts

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